Approximate Read Time: 2.5 to 3 minutes to read

Clean water is foundational to human health and well-being. While its importance is well-understood from a modern scientific perspective, its significance is also deeply recognized in traditional practices, such as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). This ancient medical system offers valuable insights into how clean water affects our health and wellness, particularly through its association with the element Water.

Understanding Water in Traditional Chinese Medicine

In TCM, the element Water is one of the Five Elements, a fundamental concept that describes the natural world and its interactions. The Five Elements—Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water—are believed to represent different aspects of health and life. Water, in particular, is linked to several key physiological and emotional functions.

1. Water’s Role in TCM

In TCM, Water is associated with the kidneys and bladder, organs crucial for maintaining fluid balance in the body. The kidneys are considered the source of vitality and energy (known as Qi), while the bladder stores and excretes urine, helping to regulate the body’s water content.

Key Functions of Water in TCM Include:

  • Regulating Body Fluids: Water helps balance the fluids in the body, which is essential for preventing dehydration and maintaining overall health.
  • Supporting the Kidneys: The kidneys are considered the “root of life” in TCM. Proper hydration supports their function, which in turn influences the health of other organs.
  • Nourishing the Skin and Joints: Adequate water intake helps maintain skin elasticity and joint lubrication.

2. Health Implications of Water Imbalance

In TCM, an imbalance in the Water element can lead to various health issues. These include:

  • Kidney Dysfunction: Symptoms like lower back pain, frequent urination, or fatigue may indicate kidney imbalance.
  • Fluid Retention or Dehydration: Imbalances can manifest as either excess fluid retention (edema) or symptoms of dehydration, such as dry skin or constipation.
  • Emotional Effects: Water is also linked to the emotional aspect of fear and insecurity. Imbalances may manifest as anxiety or mood swings.

Importance of Clean Water in TCM

In TCM, the quality of water is as important as its quantity. Contaminated or polluted water can negatively affect the body’s internal balance and the health of the kidneys and bladder. Clean water supports the proper functioning of these organs and helps maintain overall balance.

Key Reasons Clean Water is Essential:

  • Prevents Disease: Clean water reduces the risk of infections and diseases that can arise from contaminated sources.
  • Maintains Balance: It helps keep the body’s fluids in balance, essential for the smooth functioning of the Water element.
  • Supports Detoxification: Clean water aids in flushing out toxins and waste products from the body, which is crucial for maintaining health.

Tips for Ensuring Clean Water

To ensure you have access to clean and healthy water, consider the following tips:

  1. Filter Your Water: Use a high-quality water filter to remove contaminants and impurities. Here are some resources for you to evaluate:
    • Handheld & Cost Effective Water Filtration System:  This is a great option for at-home, camping or travel.

    • Under-sink Water Filtration System:  This is the what we use to filter our water in our office.

    • Whole House Water Filtration System: Pure & Clear City Water Filtration System.  This is what Dr. Skip has installed at his home. Contact our office if you have well or other systems.

  2. Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day. The amount needed can vary, but a general guideline is 8-10 glasses per day.
  3. Monitor Water Quality: Regularly test your water source for pollutants, especially if using well water. Click here for a comprehensive guide on Water Quality Testing.
  4. Use Safe Storage: Store water in clean, BPA-free containers to prevent chemical leaching.
  5. Maintain Plumbing: Ensure that your home’s plumbing system is in good condition to avoid contamination.


The importance of clean water extends beyond modern science into traditional wisdom. In TCM, water is not only vital for physical health but also for maintaining emotional and energetic balance. By ensuring access to clean water and understanding its role in both contemporary and traditional contexts, we can support our overall well-being and vitality.


  • “The Web That Has No Weaver: Understanding Chinese Medicine” by Ted J. Kaptchuk
  • “Chinese Medicine: The Web That Has No Weaver” by Ted J. Kaptchuk
  • “Traditional Chinese Medicine: A Woman’s Guide to Healing from Breast Cancer” by Livia K. Candeloro and Jianping Wang

Embracing these practices and insights can help us harmonize our health with the natural world and promote a more balanced, healthy life.