If the term ‘political fatigue and depression’ resonates with you, please know first and foremost, you are not alone. People are exhausted and burned out and for good reason.

A Princeton University study found that citizens have “near-zero” impact on U.S. law. Gilens & Page found that the number of Americans for OR against any idea has NO impact on the likelihood that Congress will make it law. “The preferences of the average American appear to have only a miniscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy.”

Please RE-READ that! We are NOT telling you ‘not to vote’ or be a passivist, but we are telling you that you need NOT take on the stress of the world on your individual shoulders. This is when health declines and “political fatigue and depression” seep in.  Ask yourself honestly, Do I have an unhealthy relationship with current affairs?

You can be informed without being inundated. Remember when news was just at 6pm and 10pm and the only time there was 24-hour news was during a national emergency? Did the world function ok? If you don’t know the answer because you are younger, the answer is emphatically… “YES!”.

The only purpose of 24-hour news coverage serving a constructive purpose is during a national emergency where citizens need to be aware of what is going on (think 9-11 tragedy). Otherwise, it’s very creation is designed to sensationalize and dramatize events to keep you watching. The longer you watch the more you can be advertised to. The same is true of online news.  Your first question should be, “What am I clickbait for?” We must accept the undeniable FACT that you are simply a ‘consumer’ in this world, and everyone is vying for your time and money. Therefore, propaganda is a serious PROBLEM in our modern society. When you accept this simple truth, you can begin to apply a filter to your entire media experience. While I can certainly tell you that you are what you eat, the reality is that you are also a direct product of what you watch and read.

This video clip from Kite and Key Media has some interesting discoveries on how social media specifically impacts health.  Keep reading for what you can do!

If you are politically fatigued or depressed, are you likely a VICTIM of the selling/clickbait machine? What can I do to remove the power and cut off this unhealthy influence?

  • Limit your exposure: Decide a single time of day and an amount of time that you consume news information and stick to it. Myself, I do this once a day over my morning coffee. Pay a little extra for services that reduce advertising to you, whether on Hulu, Netflix etc. and if you do use social media REMOVE all news sources from your feed, and use apps like “Friendly” that filter out the advertising from Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc. If after being honest with yourself, you are addicted to news, you may have to take more extreme action by deleting apps on your phone, add viewing limits or other tricks to help you UNPLUG and rehabilitate yourself. If friends that constantly post emotionally charged memes or other items, while we are certainly not suggesting you unfriend, consider unfollowing them for YOUR health, both mental and physical. Use the “unsubscribe/unfollow” button whenever you read anything that solicits a charged emotional response. Do NOT allow yourself to get caught up in endless rabbit holes of misinformation online. You must unplug to heal.
  • Choose sources free of emotionally inciting information: If you NOTICE your sources are using loaded words and are more about getting your emotional state riled up (the first sign you are headed to political fatigue/depression), it is important to recognize they are NOT a news source with journalistic integrity. While sex, anger and hate sell, you don’t have to fall prey to these tactics. There are sources that still hold to old school journalism like the Associated Press or Reuters. You can also subscribe to services like the “1440” News Digest like I do. This is a free impartial summary of the day’s news and can be delivered to your inbox every morning. For further research learn how to check your facts: “www.wikihow.com/Spot-Fake-News” and use services like “www.mediabiasfactcheck.com” to check on news sources and see who and how they are funded and if they are known for political bias or and/or if the information is actual marketing, not news. But remember, you should be unplugging so limit your time.
  • Ask your loved ones to help: We need our support networks and when political fatigue or depression have seeded itself in you, I do NOT wish to sugar coat this. It is going to be a challenge and you may need to be vulnerable and share with those intimate to you that you need their support. Additionally, this may include asking close friends and loved ones that you used to commiserate to discontinue politically or emotionally charged conversations to allow you the time you need to heal from this trauma. Like any health issue your body and mind must have REST if you ever expect to heal. Talk to a mental health professional. They are under-utilized to a fault. We have referrals to amazing providers, so just ask.
  • Reinforce positivity: Perhaps it is time to reinvent yourself in some way. Take up a hobby you have always wanted to try that brings you joy. Surround yourself with people who are uplifting. Read a book that is inspiring (and no do not go for the Political section). Recite a mantra/prayer like one of our favorites from Dr. Darren R. Weissman: “Infinite Love & Gratitude” if you feel your emotional state start to slip into the political fatigue or depression. You must fill in the gap that politics once held. Try to only watch programming that makes you laugh.

We are here to help you during the healing process.
Along with Acupuncture, there are many herbal prescriptive options available to help you deal with political stress and depression, so just ask.