Reading Time: Approximately 4-5 minutes.

As West Virginia continues to grapple with significant healthcare challenges, a critical piece of legislation—the Acupuncture for Our Seniors Act—emerges as a beacon of hope for improving access to essential care for our senior population. This bill has the potential to address a substantial gap in Medicare and Medicaid coverage, specifically related to acupuncture services. Here’s why this legislation is crucial and how it impacts West Virginians.

The Current Situation

In West Virginia, the need for acupuncture services is high, particularly among seniors. Acupuncture has been shown to provide relief for a range of conditions, including chronic pain and stress, which are prevalent among older adults. However, due to a lack of available MD/DO practitioners who offer these services, Medicare patients in the state often cannot access the chronic low back pain acupuncture benefits they are entitled to.

The issue extends to Medicaid as well. Since Medicaid follows Medicare guidelines, the inability to find MD/DOs offering acupuncture services means that Medicaid recipients, too, are deprived of these benefits. Despite being approached by major insurers to join their networks, licensed acupuncturists in West Virginia face a significant barrier. They cannot join Medicare or Medicaid networks due to current regulations, which prevents them from serving patients who could benefit from their care.

Impact on West Virginians

West Virginia ranks third in the nation for the highest percentage of elders in its population, making this issue particularly pressing. With over 51 licensed acupuncturists in the state—36 of whom are residents—there is a substantial pool of professionals ready and willing to provide care. However, without the ability to join Medicare networks, these practitioners cannot serve the senior community effectively.

The situation is compounded by the state’s shortage of healthcare professionals. West Virginia is the fifth-largest state in terms of healthcare worker shortages, making it even more challenging to integrate new modalities like acupuncture into existing care structures. Additionally, approximately one-third of West Virginians are on Medicaid, and 25% are on Medicare. For these individuals, the lack of access to acupuncture services due to current regulations is a significant gap in their healthcare coverage.

The Benefits of the Acupuncture for Our Seniors Act

The Acupuncture for Our Seniors Act aims to bridge this gap by allowing licensed acupuncturists to enroll in Medicare and Medicaid networks. This change would:

  1. Increase Access: Enable licensed acupuncturists to provide services to seniors covered by Medicare and Medicaid, addressing the current black hole in coverage.
  2. Support Opioid Reduction: Align with West Virginia’s Opioid Reduction Act (SB273), which requires alternative pain management options for opioid prescriptions. The bill would facilitate acupuncture referrals from MD/DOs, improving patient care and supporting pain management strategies.
  3. Enhance Patient Care: Allow seniors, particularly those who learn about acupuncture through the VA network, to receive care that their spouses—often not covered by VA benefits—can access through Medicare. Note: if a Veteran has Community Care Benefits, please see your PCP at the VA Hospital for a referral.
  4. Address Provider Shortages: Help fill the gap in healthcare services in a state already struggling with provider shortages by utilizing the skills of licensed acupuncturists who are ready to serve.

Recent Developments

Several insurers have expressed interest in adding licensed acupuncturists to their networks. For example, Molina, CareSource, BCBS Medicaid and Humana Medicare Gold have reached out, but have been informed that without the Acupuncture for Our Seniors Act, these partnerships cannot proceed. Advocates have been in discussions with these insurers to highlight the importance of the bill and its potential benefits for West Virginia’s senior population.

Our Advocacy Efforts

Our office has been actively working with Congresswoman Carol Miller to garner support for the Acupuncture for Our Seniors Act. Congresswoman Miller has a long history of  advocating for improving healthcare access for West Virginians and it is our sincere hope she offers her support for this critical legislation. We encourage all stakeholders and community members to support this bill by reaching out to her office and expressing the need for its passage.

Contact Congresswoman Carol Miller’s Office:

  • Phone: (202) 225-3452
  • Email:
  • Address: 1706 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515


The Acupuncture for Our Seniors Act is not just a legislative matter; it’s a critical step toward improving healthcare accessibility for West Virginia’s aging population. By addressing the existing coverage gaps and integrating acupuncture into Medicare and Medicaid networks, this bill promises to enhance patient care, support pain management efforts, and make a significant impact on the state’s healthcare landscape.

West Virginia needs this bill to ensure that all residents, especially our seniors, can access the care they deserve. The time to act is now to close the coverage gap and improve health outcomes for thousands of West Virginians. Contact Congresswoman Carol Miller’s office today to support this important legislation.


By supporting this important legislation, we can ensure that West Virginia’s seniors receive the comprehensive care they need and deserve.