What is ADHD and ADD?
- ADHD – Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
- ADD – Attention Deficit Disorder
ADD and ADHD are neurological-psychiatric disorders affecting attention and executive function skills. While ADD primarily involves attention difficulties, ADHD includes hyperactivity and impulsivity symptoms. Both conditions stem from brain chemicals, neurotransmitters, and stress hormones. Evaluation for underlying health issues like endocrine dysfunction, food sensitivities, and nutritional deficiencies is crucial. Holistic treatments offer effective relief for symptoms and improve quality of life.
Common Symptoms of ADHD and/or ADD
Some symptoms of ADD and ADHD include:
- Inability to concentration and focus at work and school
- Difficulty organizing tasks
- Forgetfulness/poor memory
- Seems disengaged or does not appear to listen
- Difficulty following through and completing tasks
- Easily distracted
- Hyperactivity
- Fidgety or restless
- Poor impulse control
- Talks excessively
- Difficulty sleeping
Suffers can simultaneously experience many other issues as well like: anxiety, depression, headaches, tics, IBS, anger, leg and muscle cramps.
Holistic Therapy for ADD & ADHD
Book a New Patient Consultation with us and let us do a work up to determine the best modality to address your ADHD or ADD.